Art is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects
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Art Prints
The Dynamic Duo
"'s art," they say, but for the DeLeon's, it's a profound statement that encapsulates the essence of their creative journey. Joseph aka "Another Face in the Crowd" / "The Print Master" has been photographing bands and models for over 30 years, and is now settled down and has mastered the art of 3D printing. His wife Kelly aka "The Lady in Charge" has been in the print and design industry for over 20 years designing and creating different works for clients all around the world.
For them, art is not limited by definitions or confined to traditional norms. It is a powerful medium through which they explore the depths of their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Their style don't always match, but when they sync together art happens. Their journey in the art world is not about seeking recognition or fame, but rather a relentless pursuit of self-discovery and personal growth. Together, they embark on countless adventures, exploring diverse artistic styles and experimenting with unconventional materials. Their shared passion for art brings them even closer, fostering an unbreakable bond as they learn from one another, offering constructive criticism, and celebrating each other's successes.
Their art embodies their individuality and unique perspectives, free from the need to conform to predefined notions of what art should be. Painting, sculpting, drawing, printing, or any other form of expression becomes a canvas through which they explore the depths of their minds. So, while some may say, "'s art,"for the DeLeon's, it is an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, boundless creativity, and an unwavering celebration of the human spirit.